St. Louis Union Station is the place to be for the 55th Annual Meeting of the Missouri State Orthopaedic Association!
We are excited to be meeting in this great venue, and hope that you will join us for an education-packed day and the opportunity to visit with your colleagues from across the state.
Our meeting will once again feature the Midwest Ortho Expo, and our exhibit partners are eager to share all of the latest in ortho-related goods and services.
The meeting will provide approximately 6 hours of CME credit (accreditation pending), so please sign up soon to take advantage of this opportunity!
If you need a hotel room, please book within our block at our group rate of $189. You may make your room reservation HERE.
Contact Us -
Missouri State Orthopaedic Association Phone: 573/556-6762
P.O. Box 2124
Jefferson City, MO 65102 Email: